Featured Event
Sorry, we don't have any events in the near future, but you can still book now for a great day out!
Past Events
Hasty's Pumpkin Event
Come and join us at Hasty’s for our famous ‘Pumpkin Week’ 19th/20th October and from 26th - 31st October. We have a ton of family fun planned for you and the kids over Halloween 2024. There are 3 options to choose from when booking. Read the descriptions to see what's on offer.
Little Duck Trail
Perfect for pre–school aged children to explore and enjoy finding the hidden ducks around the farm. Once the children have found the ducks there is a rubbing picture for them to do on the trail sheet. Each child will be given a sheet and a crayon. Once they have completed the sheet, they hand it in at the end to receive a sticker.
Easter Trail - 2024
Fun at the farm this Easter. Come and enjoy exploring all the activities we have to offer. You can join in the Easter Egg Trail, where you have to find the wooden coloured eggs as you explores Hasty’s. You write down where you find them and once you have finished the trail, on the way out you hand it in to a member of staff to receive a chocolate egg or sticker.
Little Duck Trail
Perfect for pre–school aged children to explore and enjoy finding the hidden ducks around the farm. Once the children have found the ducks there is a rubbing picture for them to do on the trail sheet. Each child will be given a sheet and a crayon. Once they have completed the sheet, they hand it in at the end to receive a sticker.
Easter Trail
Fun at the farm this Easter. Come and enjoy exploring all the activities we have to offer. You can join in the Easter Egg Trail, where you have to find the wooden coloured eggs as you explores Hasty’s. You write down where you find them and once you have finished the trail, on the way out you hand it in to a member of staff to receive a chocolate egg or sticker.